
JT Foxx: One in a Million, Millionaire Underdog

Chelle Estades is an Expert Business Development Professional

You may reach her at chelleestades@yahoo.com

I skeptically entered “Mega Speaker” in Houston, TX USA on April 3, 2017 – ready to exit the room at the first hint of underwhelm, boredom and fluff.  JT Foxx’s Facebook ad lured me with the need for women speakers and the promise that he could create them.  (www.MegaSpeaker.com)

I had one thought, “JT Foxx, don’t waste my time.”  I had attended countless free and paid workshops that did not deliver, and frankly,  I had a chip on my shoulder.

Besides, this class is free, how good could it be?   I did not have time to waste with another over-promise, under-deliver, rah-rah event that pumps you up, just to disappoint you….like the sports car you expected when the Pinto appeared!

JT Foxx enters the room, with the roar and sleek lines of a Ferrari!  Powerfully captivating the room with his energy and enthusiasm, this businessman articulates with relentless determination.  Data, statistics, results…quite refreshing and disruptive from the norm…

WOW, so THIS is JT Foxx…tell me more…

JT Foxx confidently delivered his well-constructed presentation like a gold medalist ice skater performs their winning routine.  His presentation rhythmically expressed the science of being a successful speaker as well as the results and value of coaching.  Everything said, made sense and was extremely relevant and informative.  Finally, someone who knew what I had been craving to learn… JT, you have impressed this engineer.

Completely mesmerized and writing feverishly, I sat at the edge of my seat thirsty for more…could there be more?  Before I knew it, time flew by and the 9AM event concluded at 8PM.  Wow.  No fluff, just content, content content!!  And delivered better than HBO!  Fast paced, well architected, results-driven presentation.

As a business professional, I pride myself on getting to the point quickly, connecting the dots for optimum strategy and execution.  JT Foxx is all about getting it done.  “When you get rid of your excuses, you will get your results” JT Foxx.

Me and JT Pink

I purchased the “Speak you way to Millions” CD that included all of his two-day local and international courses for 10 years.  Arguably my best purchase in ten years…

These CDs covers what is monetizable and what is not. “But that won’t make you money” JT Foxx, sometimes hard to hear but better now than 2-5 years down the road.  Work on your business, not in your business” JT Foxx.  Strategy and tactics bridge the gaps to success in business through a full range of expert knowledge and provide decisive shortcuts.

Top bullet points: marketing, branding, relationships and knowing your numbers are the lifeblood to your business.  Know the ROI on your marketing.  Branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room. ‘If it’s gonna be its up to me.” JT Foxx  A catchy phrase that creates both accountability and ownership.

After securing 25 million in contracts in 8 months for one client, turning around a dissatisfied ExxonMobil 20 Million dollar account, and creating an 8 Million new business contract, I’m used to hitting home runs.  Yet starting a new business daunted me.  His CDs on business provide what is really needed to start and grow your business.

JT Foxx World Class Organization is revolutionizing how we do business and traverses 40+ countries around the Globe.  JT simply knows business; his track record of successful entrepreneurs across the globe proves it. “Results don’t lie” JT Foxx.

JT & G Ross

Because of JT, on July 3, 2017, at my first Top 1% Experience, I spent a full day with George Ross, advisor to President Trump for over 40 years.  Exposure to these elite businessmen would be near impossible for most entrepreneurs.  JT routinely submerges his students with his top coaches, celebrities and advisors like George Ross, Nido Quebin, President of High Point University, Vanilla Ice, Luxury Real Estate Legend and performer.

Me and G Ross

JT knows the value of networking and coaching.  He generously exposes his students to these valuable, nearly unattainable resources.  My contacts from every event in just the first four months of knowing JT Foxx and being part of “the family” are astounding.  “Your network is your net worth” Porter Gale.

“Speed of implementation” JT Foxx. JT makes bold promises, and then delivers -repeatedly. Nothing is worse than buying a program that is not interesting, not relevant and does not provide the promised information you needed…Many programs contain no new information and just waste your precious time and money.

JT Foxx holds your attention.  His encyclopedia of business knowledge consistently permeates his entire organization and every program he offers.  His book Millionaire Underdog Start, Grow and Explode your Business embodies business insight never fully know or shared that is accurate, relevant and priceless.

JT Foxx provides access to recordings of him being coached, his actual coaching calls and interviews with clients and celebrities like Arnold Swarzenegger.  Who else is doing anything like this?  No one.

Dream Coaches and Me

Dream Team is like getting everything for Christmas for your business.  Expert entrepreneur coaches with thriving business over 4000+ coaching calls submerge you with their knowledge.  Jason Gilbert Marketing Maestro, Rose Chastain the heart-centered Operations Optimizer, Jeff Fallen Inspirational Instructor Reggie Batts the Expansion Creator forever changed how I see business.  You get “Not what you want to hear, what you need to hear”.  Relevant, cooperative coaching given, blind spots identified and action steps abound.  I could really see a step-change with attendees that purchased Dream Team Lifetime and full day coaching calls.

“Family First” JT Foxx

JT Foxx staff and student community aka “family” consists of intelligent, driven, family oriented, talented business men and women with a passion for success.  They are open-minded, coachable and choose to hear or give advice and integrate it into business. How you change is how you grow.” JT Foxx 

Ultimately, my investment comes down to trust and results.  I trust JT Foxx and his organization to starts, grow and explode businesses like mine.  JT has intuition, cares and has heart-driven sincerity and dedication beyond what you have for yourself.  He knows your power, he knows your worth and he doesn’t quit until you know it.

I have spoken at length with numerous of his successful, appreciative clients.  Those that implement, show massive rewards.  I am thrilled to be part of the JT Foxx Family and lifetime member to Dream Team and Top 1% Experience.

If you are ready to experience exponential growth in your business, to be more engaged and to be an opportunity magnet, JT Foxx is for you.  A tremendous amount of real-world information is pre-sifted so that you get results quickly.  

The choice is yours…you can sit on the sidelines, or get into the game.  The game will be played with our without you.  When you are ready to take your business to the next level, I look forward to you joining us.